How To Report Domestic Abuse Safely and Get Help

What Is Domestic Abuse? 

Domestic abuse is any controlling, threatening, coercive or violent behaviour by a partner, ex-partner or someone you live with. Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, sexuality or background. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdown measures exacerbated the risk for vulnerable people experiencing domestic abuse. Despite lockdown measures having now ended, many vulnerable people still live with their abusers.

How To Report Domestic Abuse

For those who experience domestic abuse, the decision to report the abusive situation can be a daunting prospect. Perpetrators of domestic abusers are manipulative and dangerous; you may worry that if you report domestic abuse, bad things will happen. 

However, help and support is out there and you can remain anonymous if you wish. If you are in an emergency, always call 999 and report the situation to the police. If it is not an emergency but you still wish for help, here are a number of resources for you to consider: 

Refuge’s team of highly-trained, all-female advisors can advise you on how to report domestic abuse safely, explore your options and find you a domestic abuse refuge vacancy for you and your children. You can call their hotline on 0808 2000 247. They are available 7 days a week.

Men’s advice line is a confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members). You can call them on 0808 801 0327 for advice on how to report domestic abuse safely. 

Galop is an LGBTQ+ specialist anti-violence charity who have a National LGBTQ+ domestic abuse helpline. You can call them on 0800 999 5428.

  • Ask for ANI codeword scheme (UK Says No More)

Ask for ANI (assistance needed immediately) is a scheme that was launched in 2021 to help victims of domestic abuse discreetly ask for immediate help in participating pharmacies. Boots and Lloyds are amongst some of the pharmacies enrolled in the scheme across the UK.

Get in touch

At TDP Solicitors, our mission is to help our clients get the justice they deserve. If you wish to take action for the abuse you have suffered, we can help you claim compensation. We understand that abuse compensation will never make up for the abuse you have experienced, but it could provide helpful financial aid. Please give us a call on 0151 242 5111 for more information.